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[ESC2012]TRILOGY试验的积极意义——Matthew Roe博士专访

作者:M.Roe 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/9/20 18:05:11    加入收藏
 关键字:TRILOGY研究 普拉格雷 氯吡格雷 


  <International Circulation>:So what is the take home message from the TRILOGY trial?  What do you see for the future use of prasugrel?
Dr. Roe: Let me talk more broadly.  First, medically managed patients exist.  They are high risk, we cannot forget about them and need to study them further.  That is one take home message.  Second, that prasugrel, including the dosage for safe reduction long term, did not provide an early benefit in medically managed patients, but may provide a late one. We are intrigued by that, we want to look at that further and we hope that the results and the conduct of our trial will change and influence the design and conduct of future studies.
 MT Roe博士:我谈得更广一些。首先,存在单纯药物治疗的患者。他们的风险很高,我们不能忘记这些患者,需要对其开展进一步的研究。其次,普拉格雷(包括出于安全性原因应用小剂量普拉格雷)长期治疗未给单纯药物治疗的ACS患者带来早期获益,但是可能带来远期获益。我们对此感到好奇,想进一步开展观察,我们期望TRILOGY试验的结果和该试验的开展会改变和影响未来研究的设计和实施。
 International Circulation: What kind of questions were raised?
 Dr. Roe: Why was there a difference in effect after twelve months? We do not have an answer for that for sure.  Second is what duration of treatment is necessary for future studies in these patients? Third is how do you address a patient who is medically managed with their risk? how do you reduce it? What would you do differently than what we did?
MT Roe博士:首先,为什么12个月之后普拉格雷和氯吡格雷的效应出现了差别?对此我们没有确切的答案。其次,未来在单纯药物治疗的ACS患者开展的研究,患者应治疗多长时间?第三,单纯药物治疗的有心血管危险的患者如何管理?如果降低这些患者的心血管风险?有哪些新的手段可以采用?

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