
[AHA2011]WHO STEPS监测系统与中国调查系统开展情况——David Goff 教授专访

作者:  DavidGoff   日期:2011/11/17 14:48:34



    <International circulation>:  This kind of surveillance actions are important to direct future policy and actions of NGOs to figure out how we need to change what we are doing or know what we are doing before we can change it.  Many countries like China do not really have surveillance.   Do you think the first step is policy and environmental concerns followed by programs geared towards individuals?  For a country like China, which likes to design their own programs and policy rather than follow what an international body dictates, would the first step be policy?

    Prof. Goff:  The first thing I would want to know is what is the accessability and availability of healthy nutrition and healthy foods across the area I was responsible for.    Are there things we call “food deserts”, where there are communities, largely urban communities, where people have very little access to healthy food?  These communities primarily are served by convenient stores that have significant amounts of alcohol and foods with high-calorie, low-nutrient density.  These populations that live in these types of urban communities have very poor access of healthy food and, in the case of the United States, in spite of the fact that they are living in a country with a surplus of healthy food.  It is just an accessibility issue.  The first thing to know is what is the environment landscape like for access to healthy food because people cannot consume it if they cannot get to it.  Another thing that is important to know is about smoking policies, both regulations on individual smoking and regulations about indoor air to prevent smokers from exposing others to secondhand smoke, which is an important health concern.  A third thing would be to know what the physical activity environment is like.  Are there opportunities for people to be physically active in a way that is safe so they can be physically active without worrying about crime, violence, traffic accidents, etc.  People will not be physically active if they feel it is not safe to go outside and walk or ride a bicycle.  These are things that are important to know before you try to stimulate individuals to change.  There has to be the social and environmental conditions conducive to making good choices.


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