

作者:  王宏宇   日期:2012/5/29 10:07:09



  <International Circulation>: Could you share with us your opinions on the early detection and control of vascular disease?
  Prof. Wang: Vascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality now in the general population. In order to prevent vascular events, I think the key point is early detection of the vascular disease. Firstly we can detect early vascular disease by endothelial dysfunction evaluation and flow-mediated dilation (FMD) by ultrasound is a useful method to detect endothelial dysfunction. Other parameters such as pulse wave velocity (PWV) and the intima media thickness of the carotid (IMT) and ankle brachial index (ABI) as a whole are useful for the global vascular tree detection. Early vascular disease detection and regression is a very important method for future vascular disease prevention.


  <International Circulation>: What is your opinion on the value of the ABI, PWV and IMT tests?
  Prof. Wang: From 2003, the Chinese government and National Ministry of Health promoted a project to promote an early vascular disease detection system which included screening the larger population using ABI, PWT and IMT as non-invasive evaluations of the vascular system and early vascular disease. Using these parameters is a non-invasive, simple and cheap approach and I think is very useful for future clinical use.

  《国际循环》:您如何评价ABI、PWV 和IMT的临床应用价值?
  王宏宇教授:从2003年开始,中国政府和卫生部推广了一个项目,旨在建立早期血管疾病检测系统,其中需要应用ABI 、PWV 和IMT等评估非侵入性指标在大规模人群中进行血管疾病的早期检测。所应用的上述指标均为非侵入性,且经济、简单,对未来的临床应用非常有价值。

  <International Circulation>: Could you give us an introduction to progress on any new markers to detect risk in people without any symptoms of vascular disease?
  Prof. Wang: Vascular disease includes the structural and functional abnormalities of the vascular tree. If a patient has no obvious structural vascular disease, they may still be at risk due to poor function. In the future we should pay more attention to functional and early structural damage to the vascular tree and not only pay attention to severe structural damage of the vascular tree.


版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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